In response to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, the Ministry of Health of Cyprus, in collaboration with the National Electronic Health Authority (NeHA), assigned the development of the COVID-19 CY National eHealth Platform for Inpatient and Home-monitoring and Treatment, to the eHealthLab of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus. The eHealthLab of the University of Cyprus, as the project coordinator of the eHealth4U project that shares the same objectives at a large extend, undertook the lead of this initiative, together with 3AHealth, who acted as the technical leader of the developed platform. The complete list of contributors appears on the Wiki page that has been created for this purpose:
The main objective of this platform was to provide the necessary means and tools to healthcare practitioners (medical doctors and nurses) to effectively administer care in a timely fashion to hospitalized Covid-19 patients, implementing the Covid-19 Clinical Protocol Guidelines proposed by the Scientific Committee that has been setup to manage the pandemic at a National level. At a secondary phase, the objective was to extend the present platform for home-monitoring and outpatient care services. A detailed list of available content, functionalities, and user-manual can be found at the Wiki page that has been developed in parallel with the actual eHealth platform: