
UBITECH LTD is a leading, highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government in order to allow the efficient and effective secure access and communication with various heterogeneous information resources and services, anytime and anywhere.

UBITECH LTD is the youngest member of UBITECH Group (est. 2005), whose operations extend through its subsidiaries in Madrid, Buenos Aires (UBITECH SRL) and Guayaquil, concentrating in Central and Latin America. UBITECH participates in eHealth4U proposal with its R&I Department, having significant experience in eHealth and Security FP7 and H2020 research projects. In particular, in the FI-STAR FP7 project (http://www.fi-star.eu), UBITECH realized the SHIELD Specific Enabler for promoting, leveraging and enforcing the notion of pseudo-anonymization of end-users interacting with the FI-STAR platform.

In Linked2Safety, UBITECH has achieved to dynamically interconnect distributed patients’ data to medical research efforts, respecting patients’ anonymity and data ownership. In the SAGE-CARE H2020 project, UBITECH focuses on data protection in terms of confidentiality and avoiding any unauthorized information retrieval, while in PaaSword H2020 develops Cloud Security technologies, implementing an encrypted and physically distributed persistence as a Platform-as-a-Service capability for Cloud-enabled solutions.

The role in this project:

The most contribution of UBITECH will be towards the definition and documentation of the reference architecture of the system and the development and implementation of the eHealth4U Platform.

Products and Publications:

Please refer to http://www.ubitech.eu/